This was supposed to be a felted tree on which I was going to put interchangeable accents for various seasons. Red i-cord garlands and a star topper for Christmas, a tiny bird's nest for spring, etc. etc. Well, the felting didn't go as planned and now - if you have that sort of mind - it just resembles a green you-know-what.
There are many reasons it failed: I made it in a way that I had to stuff if before felting, my washing machine won't run a hot cycle on anything other than "delicate," and I was making up the pattern as I went. The undersides of the tiers need to be flatter and the top needs to be sharper. Since it didn't felt down as much as I had wanted, it just ended up looking lumpy and it won't stand up straight.
1 comment:
wow. I am starting my morning with tears running down my cheeks from laughing so hard I can hardly stay in my chair.
Thank you.
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