June 10, 2009

Brain Slug!

Futurama fans unite!

Thanks to NanoPants Dance for this awesome pattern for a brain slug from the fabulous TV show, Futurama. Here, you can see it sucking my brain juices, rendering me incapacitated for any head-wave activity type of thinking kind of things.

It's a gift for Joe, although what he'll do with it is a mystery. It's too small to snuggle or use as a pillow. Oh, well. Here's a little clip of a scene where we are introduced to brain slugs...

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Nina said...

Haha, I love it! :)

Joe said...

This is an excellent gift...as for what I will do with it: I forgot it at home today, but I plan on keeping it on my desk at work so that I have an excuse for not being productive.